Car Accidents


Whether you’ve just had a serious injury, a whiplash, sprain, strain or are simply sore from your accident, we want to partner with you in achieving a pain free active lifestyle like you had before the car crash

We realize that nothing is more important than your health. When you have pain, it can complicate your life in a million ways. With many years of experience and thousands of hours of specialized training, Dr. Jordan Boekhout is an expert in treating people that have been injured in a car accident. 

We treat whiplash, neck pain, back pain, headachessprains, strains, numbnesstingling, arm pain, leg painmuscle injuries, muscle spasms, or disc injuries that may have occurred from your accident. We also have developed a five star referral network of orthopedists, neurologists, and other injury specialists in our community that we can utilize if needed. 

No-Fault Auto Insurance in Minnesota will cover your care in our clinic at 100%. 

What to Expect After an Accident?

When car accidents occur, you probably can’t believe how much pain you have all over. Keep in mind that how much you hurt is not always related to how much car damage there is. It’s common after an accident to experience the following… pain or difficulty with sleep, driving, work and daily activities 

What Could Be Injured?

During your auto accident you are often thrown back and forth in your car. This is where the term whiplash comes from. Your seat belt may prevent you from going through the windshield, but your soft tissues often get the worst of it. Your soft tissues includes your muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, discs and nerves. 

The result of overstretching and straining of the soft tissues can result in neck injury, back injury, as well as injuries to the head, shoulders, jaw, TMJ, arms, hips and legs. Mild to moderate brain injury may result from brain sheer. Injuries can occur from the seat belt or from air bag impact. 

At Park East Chiropractic we specialize in the treatment of soft tissue injury from an auto accident

For more car crash facts and whiplash information: 

Recovery from Your Auto Injury

At Park East Chiropractic our goal for you is a pain free active life without medication. Recovery from a car accident can be up and down and take some time. Don’t be discouraged. We are here to make sure your recovery is as quick and as complete as possible. We always continue our education to be on the cutting edge of effective treatment. 

Instead of trying to cover up symptoms with medication or just waiting until you may need to have surgery, we take a direct hands-on approach to assisting your body to recover naturally with innovative safe treatments. 

Questions?  Contact us or call 763.494.4900 and a friendly staff member will be happy to assist you!